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Nipmuc Flag Football League

Nipmuc Flag Football League

Application To Ref

Thank you for your interest in becoming a flag football official with Nipmuc Flag Football. As you can imagine, officiating a youth flag football game is a gratifying position. You are the one selected to help teach, correct, improve, and enhance the experience for the players, coaches, and fans. We take great pride in our official selection process as it's incredibly important that we ensure we have quality officials who are dedicated to the game of flag football. 

What does it take to become a good official?

Most certainly a very thorough knowledge of the rules of the game.  However, in addition, a love of athletics and kids, physical ability, self-confidence, the dedication and determination necessary to work hard, and above all, personal integrity.  The athletes and coaches look upon each contest as being the most important thing happening in their lives at that moment, and the official must look upon each contest the same way and react accordingly.  This avocation is not for everyone, but if you have the interest and the attributes described above, you may find this to be some of the most rewarding work you will ever be involved in.  If you are in High School, officiating looks great on your applications!

What experience is necessary?

None. We will train all new officials.

What expectations will officiating have of me?

To become a respected official, one must invest time to learn, time to practice and time to develop. Although the time devoted will vary from person to person, there are some requirements that must be observed. Rules meetings, clinics and official’s meetings are necessary, and part of the professionalism expected of officials. As with most things, officials improve according to their efforts.

What expenses will I have?

  • 1.    You will need to purchase a black and white striped shirt in either the 1” or 2” width of stripes.
  • 2.    Black pants and or Black shorts.
  • 3.    Lanyard and Whistle (Electronic is good also)
  • 5.    A Penalty flag,  yellow in color.
  • 6.    A stopwatch (not your phone)         

What is the biggest adjustment or challenge that I will face?

 It is important to understand that the basic ingredient of officiating is that of being a decision maker, and sometimes people do not like decisions that don’t go their way. Once you clear this hurdle and realize that people will criticize you because you make necessary decisions, rather than because you are a bad person, and you can accept this fact, you are on your way. It is not easy. Do not get discouraged! Stay in the game!

How much do I get paid?

 Game pay ranges by experience but typically ref pay starts @ $20 per Game(1 hour) depending on experience.

I am interested in moving forward, what do I need to do?

STEP 1. Submit your application to become an official.

STEP 2. 
You will be contacted by a representative regarding the application and officiating opportunities.   Our Fall Season starts in September and goes to November.

Read and study the online rulebook. You must know the rules of the game inside and out to be an official in our program.

Good luck with your journey. This is such a rewarding position and we look forward to you helping us reshape the game for our the little ones in our community.

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